Our "parish" is 21 years young - in existence since 1988. Yet, we don't have a "church building and
presbytery" to show for it. This has been the result of a lack of property to build upon. Over these many years
the residence of the clergy has moved three times over. However, we are now a bit closer to starting some construction
activity. We have our piece of land and it is on our name as a our Trust Property. This is God's blessing for us all. So
Providence-willing, we will have a Church Building "in God's good time"
Nonetheless the "church" as in the invisible Body of Christ, exists in reality. We have a sizeable population
of Catholic faithful, who attend services within the premises of the Franciscan Hospitallar Sister's Convent.
All our liturgical and paraliturgical services are conducted in this Chapel, as are the various meetings.
Space is a big constraint, but the hearts of our people are large enough to put up with any inconvenience. Praise God
Almighty for this.
Given below are a few pictures of the location of the Convent and our little Chapel therein.