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Father, Creator of the universe, you made us in Your own image and likeness. You
gave us wisdom and understanding, grateful hearts and creative minds. We thank
you and praise you. In response to Your love shown to us through Your Son, Jesus,
we desire to thank and praise You in the best way we can. Your Spirit empowers
us to call You “Abba-Father” and to reach out with loving concern to all people, especially to the poor and needy. We, the
Parishioners of May our Mary, our Mother, pray for us. Fund Raising Drive -October 2008 Marie Forbes MY
Diaz Through the intercession
of our patron, The efforts put in
by our parishioners to make this drive a success was overwhelming, Starting 6th September, a stall was set up at
the Mount, where we had the collection as well as sale of mouth watering delicacies prepared by some of our parishioners.
Volunteers were recruited well in advance, from our parish of course. And considering the scale and magnitude of such a venture,
we did require a lot of people to help us in our endeavor. And yes, they came by the droves. A master list was prepared and
displayed showing each volunteer his designated day and time. Each of us was given a photo ID card, a sash and a cap with
the As for me, the entire
experience was unique and novel. It was the first time I was doing this kind of a thing and I was really, really surprised
at how much I enjoyed doing it. People would stop not once, not twice, but thrice just to read about our church. And the collections
kept pouring in. While the stall was doing excellent business, the collection boxes too were setting the cash registers ringing.
How then would you explain the collections from the first four days, exceeding
well over a lakh!. A word about the non-Catholics here whom I cannot thank enough….for donating so generously to a cause
quite foreign to them. A big Thank You and May God Bless you! The last day of the
collection was Sunday, the 17th September. As you can well imagine, on this day the crowds were the most. That
day, time was inconsequential, immaterial…of no essence. Hours flew like minutes. We were so busy taking and soaking
in every moment of our drive, that we just didn’t know how time flew…in fact we wanted more time that day! Yes,
it was tiring, but the joy, satisfaction, the dedication, the sincerity and commitment of the volunteers clearly overshadowed
that feeling. For me, it was a unique learning experience….of inestimable value… and truly exhilarating. And for
each one of us, an experience which will not be forgotten easily. “What one has not experienced, one will never understand
in print”…nothing could be closer to that statement! I would be doing grave
injustice if I were to name anybody here as I would be missing out on so many others. The whole fundraiser was possible due
to the untiring, uncompromising efforts and real hard work put in by all of the volunteers who in some way or the other, have
contributed in making the fundraiser a stunning success. May God Bless them and their families. On behalf of our Parish, I
would like to take this opportunity to thank all the volunteers, the people working behind the scenes, preferring to remain
anonymous, controlling the organizational, managerial and technical aspects…a big Thank you to all of them. And no….I’ve
not forgotten Fr. Austin, but for whom, this would just have not been possible. I really appreciate the toil, sweat and cheers,
put in by him. Words are certainly insufficient to express my gratitude and thanks to you, Father. May God Bless you and your
loved ones!
Donors and Benefactors, Peace
of Jesus and warm regards……….!! We function from the convent premises, We thank God for such small mercies, We stand out in sunshine and rain, We did not have building terrain. For eighteen years we’ve struggled, Our spirits have not been smothered, We finally have a piece of land, And we ask for your helping hand. We’ve functioned as a real community, Without school, church or presbytery, At last we see a glimmer of hope, Our hands we stretch- help us to cope. We his parishioners, ask you to hearken, Help us make our dream a reality, God Bless your loving generosity. Fr. Austin Norris Priest-in-charge Please visit our stall at the Bandra Fair from September 8 to September 17, 2006 BIBLE QUIZ 2007 It is planned to conduct a Bible Quiz 2007 on 25.2.2007 (Sunday) after 9.15 am mass in the Church Hall.One team from each
Zone can participate in the quiz. Each team should consist of an adult and a student (either college going or school going).
All the zonal representatives are requested to give their entries to Mr. Lawrence Sahayadas latest by 18.2.2007. The portion
for the Bible Quiz will be the Acts of Apostles and few general questions on the Bible. All parishioners are requested to
attend in large numbers and understand the intricacies of the Bible. ****************************************************************************************** ASH WEDNESDAY - 21ST FEBRUARY The Season of Lent begins with our Service of Ashes on this beautiful day of repentance and hope of conversion.
Our services will be at 7am and in the evening at 7.15pm and 8.00pm. The Way of the Cross in Konkanni will be at 7.30pm on Wed, followed by Mass and in English on Fridays at 7.30pm followed
by Mass. ************************************************************************ OUR PARISH FEAST 18TH MARCH 2007 We will celebrate our Parish Patronal Feast of St. Joseph, on Sunday 18th March 2007. There will be just one Mass in the morning at 8 am, followed by a funfair. Bp. Ferdinand Fonseca, will be the main celebrant. Parish Triduum on 15th - 16th - 17th March at the 7.30pm Mass WE WANT ALL OF YOU TO COME TO THE TRIDUUM AND PARISH FEAST MASS AND BE PART OF OUR CELEBRATIONS. AFTER ALL YOU ARE A PARISHIONER
OF ST. JOSEPH’S. ********************************************************************************************* ELECTIONS TO THE PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL WE ARE DUE TO ELECT OUR NEW COUNCIL FOR THE YEARS 2007-2010. We place on record our sincere Thanks to the Present Council
Members who have completed their three year term and have served our parish community commendably.Fr. Felix D’Souza,
will preach at the Masses on 3rd & 4th March, about this election process. The Election to the New Council will be held
during the Zonal Masses, following Easter. The schedule of Masses and the details of the Election Process will be communicated
by and by. We invite parishioners who would like to serve on the Parish Pastoral Council, to give in their names to the Parish Priest
by 18th March 2007 the latest, to enable us to process the applications. ************************************************************************************ 5th November 2006 - SCC Rally We have 10 zones in our Parish and 25 communities. We will have a special day of togetherness from 5 - 7
pm in the Convent Premises. There will be stage items and games and snacks and all other good things. So come one come all.... ******************************** 12th November 2006 Wedding Anniversary Mass We will honour all couples who have completed one or the other anniversary of marriage from January 2006
upto December 2006. At the 9.15 am Mass, there will be a renewal of marriage vows. After the Mass there will be a short get-to-gether
for all couples present. So be there in your "wedding best" or your "Sunday best". ***************************** Feast of Christ the King 26th November 2006 The is a very special Sunday for all of Christendom. We express our allegiance to Christ our King, in procession
and Eucharistic Thanksgiving and Consecration. The will be no Masses in the morning. The Mass will be in the evening at 6pm,
after the sermon and Benediction. There will be Zone-wise Adoration right through the day in the Convent chapel The timings for the
1 hour adoration will be announced. The procession from the starting points will begin at 5.15pm.Please look up the notice Board for details.
We encourage you dear parishioners, to come for your Zonal Hour of Adoration as well as for the procession in the evening
and the Eucharistic celebration. ************************* Season of Advent & Christmas We begin this beautiful and gracefilled season from Sunday 3rd December, with the First Sunday of Advent. Let us set our
hearts on the Birth of the Mesaiah........
IS GOD DEAD ? St. Joseph Parish,
Goregaon East presented a Gospel Musical – IS GOD DEAD ?- at St. Pius College Hall on 6,7,and In barely three months, Fr. Norris succeeded in putting together ninety amateur parishioners from six to sixty years of age into their respective roles as actors, dancers and singers, with the expert assistance of Fr. Melroy Fernandes, Mr. Loius Fernandes (choir master), Priya Tauro (instrumentalist) and Benita D’Silva (choreographer). Focusing the eternal message of John 3:16, “ For God loved the world so much, that he gave his only begotten Son, so that everyone who believe in Him, may not die, but have eternal life” in a massive sweep of the Old and New Testament. The presentation was so touching, colourful, lively and spiritually enriching, that the audience left the hall with new-found joy and peace in their hearts, wishing to come again, or get their friends to come. Bishop Percival Fernandez, the Chief Guest for 7th January expressed his desire to have the show staged in larger auditoriums. Fr. Epiphany Castell, the Chief Guest on 8th January, also appreciated the lyrics, music and choreography, being a seasoned musician himself. Congrats Fr. Austin, Fr. Melroy and the whole cast !. Your joyful, relaxed and fervent performance on stage proves that God is alive in you. I personally felt spiritually enriched every time I watched the musical, getting new insights in the age-old mystery of God’s salvific plan. We can all truly rejoice with the ‘Seeker’ who found at last, a satisfactory answer to her burning question.. Is God Dead ?” Sr. Maureen Fonseca St. Joseph Church Tel: 022-28405106 |